I'm pretty sure it's been well over a month since I've last posted.
I'm pretty sure there are days when I feel super guilty about it, like who do I think I'm fooling trying to make a-go of my own business?
I'm pretty sure it's okay in life to get back up and keep trying...especially when you don't quite hit the mark but you know you can.
This post is a re-introduction to work. Wait, scratch that. Let me clarify. I work another job while trying to get my own business off the ground. So this isn't a re-introduction to work, it's just a re-introduction to the work my heart loves.

Working from home - or your cubicle, office, classroom, car, whatever - is not easy. Problems vie for your attention and distractions lurk around every corner. (As I write, my kids are propped on the couch next to my desk watching Rogue One - no judgement, please). Wherever you earn your bacon, challenges exist; obstacles, mistakes, and failures present themselves in abundance. It's easy to want to pack it in some days, to just say, "Screw it," and give up completely. But that's the exact moment you have to practice your comeback.
That's not original to me. I heard it on a THM podcast a couple weeks ago, but the mantra fits, and I'm living it out. Practice that comeback.
When you screw up and use your words to hurt or shame...practice that comeback by owning it and apologizing.
When you miss the deadline or forget the cupcakes for the school party...practice that comeback by figuring out a way to better track your junk (or just take on less junk).
When you set a goal and don't reach it...practice that comeback by re-evaluating, being honest about what went wrong, and moving forward into possibility.
There is nothing wrong with needing a comeback. Failure is a natural consequence of taking risks and testing your limits. If you're going to be brave, innovative, or vulnerable, you're going to need a comeback. If you're ever in a position of leadership, you're going to end up practicing your comeback.

With each "practice" session, you grow stronger, smarter, and more self-aware. That's momentum. That's forward movement. That's progress and growth.
And that's exactly where we want to